速報APP / 遊戲 / ABC for kids Zverobuka!

ABC for kids Zverobuka!



檔案大小:286.1 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 8.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖1)-速報App

English version.

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖2)-速報App

ABC «Zverobuka». An alphabet for kids!

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖3)-速報App

Zverobuka is a magical island where letters and animals live. A fascinating, interactive app with colorful funny animals, birds and marine life that are ready to help your child to learn the English letters.

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖4)-速報App

Once on our island the child learns many interesting facts about animals which makes the process of learning letters even more fascinating! How does a bear roar? What color is the tongue of a giraffe? And why is a shark very dangerous? The child learns all this and more from our app!

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖5)-速報App

Zverobuka- we learn letters and animals and also we fix knowledge with the help of an exciting game and a funny song!

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖6)-速報App

Zverobuka – see you on this island!

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖7)-速報App


ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖8)-速報App

You can learn the app yourself by downloading the light version for free! You will have access to part of the sections and the first ten letters of the alphabet. To get the full version you need to make an in-app purchase and you can enjoy all the features of our app.

ABC for kids Zverobuka!(圖9)-速報App


If You have any comments or suggestions, please contact us by email support@zverobuka.com


Zverobuka is also available in Russian and German.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad